Anatomy and improvement of fast and memory-efficient pattern matching algorithm 快速高效的模式匹配算法的剖析与改进
The Research of Fast Pattern Matching Algorithm Based on Snort System 基于Snort系统快速模式匹配算法的研究
First, this thesis introduces and analyzes the traditional point pattern matching algorithm based on minutiae information; 本文头后闭于传统的基于粗节信做的里模式指纹迟婚配算法入行了阐述和剖析;
Inexact Point Pattern Matching Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangularization and Spectral Method Algorithm Optimization and Implementation of Delaunay Triangulation of Three Dimensional 基于Delaunay三角化和谱方法的非精确点模式匹配算法Delaunay三角剖分算法优化的实现
The performance efficiency of a network intrusion detection system ( NIDS) is dominated by pattern matching algorithm. 网络入侵检测系统的效率取决于模式匹配算法选择。
Characteristics of Independence on Image Gray Level in Pattern Matching Algorithm and its Application Ductile iron has the strength properties of steel using similar casting techniques to that of gray iron. 标准互相关的灰度无关特性及其应用在与灰口铁相似的铸造技术下,球墨铸铁具有钢一样的强度。
Research of Improved Pattern Matching Algorithm Based on BM Algorithm 一种基于BM算法的改进模式匹配算法研究
Research on the pattern matching algorithm for data integration of Deep Web deepweb数据集成中模式匹配算法的研究
Fast and Memory-efficient Multiple Pattern Matching Algorithm 一种快速且节约存储器的多模式匹配算法
TwigEN: A New Twig Pattern Matching Algorithm TwigEN:一种新的小枝模式匹配算法
Improved Pattern Matching Algorithm of BMHS for Intrusion Detection 面向入侵检测的改进BMHS模式匹配算法
Flexible Pattern Matching Algorithm for Anti-Active-Jamming in Chinese String 抗中文主动干扰的柔性中文串匹配算法
Research and Improvement on BM Pattern Matching Algorithm for Intrusion Detection 入侵检测中BM模式匹配算法的研究和改进
As most spectra-based algorithms can not well deal with the different-size point sets matching problems, this paper presents a point pattern matching algorithm based on Q-spectra of line graph. 针对大多数谱方法不能够较好地处理不同大小点集匹配的问题,本文提出了一种基于线图Q-谱的点模式匹配算法。
Protocol analysis and pattern matching algorithm are two methods in intrusion detection systems. 入侵检测系统分析数据的方法很多,早期应用比较广泛的是模式匹配方法,目前人们普遍提倡协议分析的方法。
Aiming at the low efficiency of traditional intrusion detection pattern matching algorithm, encoding method of association rules and episode rules is researched, and then an encoding algorithm is designed. 针对入侵检测模式传统匹配算法的低效性,研究了关联规则和频繁情节规则的编码方法,据此设计了编码算法。
It is composed of three parts: machine description, machine description processor and pattern matching algorithm. 它包括三个部分:机器指令的描述,机器指令描述的预处理器和模式匹配算法。
In the end, research direction of improved pattern matching algorithm is given. 最后提出了改进模式匹配算法效率的研究方向。
The paper advances a design pattern of large-scale corpus and its pattern matching algorithm. 本文提出了一个大型语料库的设计原型及模式检索实现算法。
Pattern matching algorithm is central algorithm in signature based intrusion detection system. 模式匹配算法是基于特征匹配的入侵检测系统中的核心算法,是当前入侵检测设备中普遍应用的算法。
This paper proposes a combination method of a pattern matching algorithm and the analysis based on sentence components. This method considers both local and global syntax information and can reduce the complexity in detecting syntactic errors. 分别采用模式匹配和基于句型成分分析的方法进行检查,这两种方法的结合,可以同时考虑局部和全局的语法限制信息,并且降低了语法检查的复杂度。
○ 2 Consider a kind of parallelling pattern matching algorithm suited for transplantation, and realize the algorithm. 研究了一种适合于GPU移植的并行模式匹配算法,并实现了该算法。
The paper proposed a novel static pattern matching algorithm. 提出了一种新的固定模式串匹配算法。
First, an improved pattern matching algorithm of Snort was proposed. 第一,改进Snort的模式匹配算法。
According to the test results, a multi-pattern matching algorithm AC_BM algorithm was selected as a pattern matching algorithm. 根据测试结果,选取了多模式匹配算法ACBM算法作为模式匹配算法。
The temporal and spatial performance between the classic pattern matching algorithm AC algorithm and WM algorithm is compared and an improved AC-WM algorithm is proposed. 比较了Snort系统中的经典模式匹配算法AC算法和WM算法的时空性能,提出了改进后的AC-WM算法。
Pattern matching algorithm is a core technology of the rule-based intrusion detection system. It directly influences the accuracy and real-time performance of the system. 模式匹配算法是基于规则入侵检测系统的核心技术,它直接影响到系统的准确性和实时性,成为提高检测效率和质量的重要途径。
A point pattern matching algorithm based on the spectra of directed graphs is presented. 提出了一种基于有向图谱的点模式匹配算法。
Efficiency of the intrusion prevention system is determined by pattern matching algorithm. 模式匹配算法的效率决定了入侵防御系统的性能。
In our analysis of the commonly used KMP pattern matching algorithm based on the advantages and disadvantages, makes the improvement to it. 我们在分析常用的KMP模式匹配算法优缺点的基础上,对其进行了改进。